Zend Framework 2 Navigation with ACL in 3 steps

May 2, 2013

This post is a  follow up from : zend framework 2 acl in 5 minutes

Step 1

Code in config/autoload/global.php

'navigation' => array(
    'default'=> array(
	    'label' => 'Home',
            'route' => 'home',
            'resource'=> 'home',
	    'label' => 'Login',
            'route' => 'login',
            'resource'=> 'login',
	    'label' => 'Register',
            'route' => 'register',
            'resource'=> 'register',

Step 2

Code in layout.phtml

echo $this->navigation('Navigation')->setAcl($this->acl)->setRole('guest');

Step 3

Add navigation factory in the config

Code in module.config.php

'service_manager' => array(
    'factories' => array(
       'Navigation' => 'Zend\Navigation\Service\DefaultNavigationFactory',

Simple as that.

Suggestions or problems ? Write a comment.

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posted in Zend Framework 2 by Ivan Gospodinow

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9 Comments to "Zend Framework 2 Navigation with ACL in 3 steps"

  1. Anton Shumanski wrote:

    Great article, but how I can add params to the links in menu?

  2. Micheal Wilkinson wrote:

    This works perfectly for me however I want to use a partial view script and I was wondering if you knew how to access the ACL information within the partial script

  3. Ivan Gospodinow wrote:

    Hello Micheal ,

    as the acl object in injected in the layout , so you can access it in any view helper like this :
    $acl = $this->getView()->layout()->acl;

    I suggest that do not use acl logic in the partial loop.
    If you share your problem , may be I can help with a better solution.

  4. RK wrote:

    Other excellent tutorial, thank you so much. But how can I create another menu – for back end for example. Thanks in advance!

  5. Ivan Gospodinow wrote:

    Hello RK,
    you can add a factory for the navigation like this:

    Go to config -> service_manager -> factories
    Add ‘AdminNavigation’ => ‘Application\Factory\AdminNavigation’

    Then in that file you have :
    class AdminNavigation extends Zend\Navigation\Service\AbstractNavigationFactory
    function getName()
    return ‘admin_menu’;

    Then you go to your navigation array and add key : ‘admin_menu’ and its pages array.

    Got it ?

  6. RK wrote:

    Thank you very much!

  7. Webdevilopers (@webdevilopers) wrote:

    @Micheal Wilkinson:
    If you need to check permissions on page in your partial you can use the accept() method:

    foreach ($this->container as $page){
    if($this->navigation()->accept($page)) {
    echo $this->navigation()->menu()->htmlify($page);

    Source: http://blog.webdevilopers.net/checking-acl-in-zend-navigation-when-using-custom-view-script/

  8. kourosh wrote:

    Hello, nice article, thank you.

    but i’m wondering how to pass user role to checkAcl function in module class ?

    In previous article we do like this:

    $route = $e->getRouteMatch()->getMatchedRouteName();

    $userRole = ‘member’;

    if (!$e->getViewModel()->acl->isAllowed($userRole, $route))

    But how do it in this way ?

  9. Ivan Gospodinow wrote:

    the user role, most of the times is stored in the user object, right?
    Then you can have a new instance of Zend\Session and get your current user.
    If user does not exists in the session, then the role can be guest.

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