Zend Framework 2 Cache Proxy – Cache Based Key Dependency.

July 5, 2014

Long time no ZF2 post, but here is something interesting peace of code that can solve cache problems present in most of the projects.

I am assuming that, the reader knows how to create custom cache Factory in ZF2.

Step 1.

Edit your existing cache factory.

See Line 35.

namespace Application\Factory;

use Application\Factory\CacheProxy; // Or whatever location
use Zend\Cache\Storage\Plugin\Serializer;
use Zend\Cache\StorageFactory;
use Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;

class CacheFactory implements FactoryInterface
    public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $sm)
        $config = $sm->get('config');

        $cache = StorageFactory::factory(array(
                    'adapter' => array(
                        'name' => 'filesystem',
                    'plugins' => array(
                        // Don't throw exceptions on cache errors
                        'exception_handler' => array(
                            'throw_exceptions' => true

        if (!file_exists($config['cache']['cache_dir'])) {
            mkdir($config['cache']['cache_dir'], 0755, true);

        $cache->getOptions()->setTtl((int) $config['cache']['cache_ttl']);
        $cache->addPlugin(new Serializer);

        return new CacheProxy($cache);

Step 2.

CacheProxy Code

namespace Application\Factory;

use Zend\Cache\Storage\StorageInterface;

class CacheProxy
     * @var \Zend\Cache\Storage\StorageInterface
    protected $cache;

     * We are using the fact that $key is the first parameter
     * and pass by reference is not present.
     * @var type 
    protected $override = [

    public function __construct(StorageInterface $cache)
        $this->cache = $cache;

     * @param type $name
     * @param type $arguments
     * @return type
    public function __call($name, $arguments)
        if (in_array($name, $this->override)) {
            $arguments[0] = $this->getKey($arguments[0]);
        $return = call_user_func_array([$this->cache, $name], $arguments);
         * Ensure that chain calls will work as expected.
        if ($return instanceof StorageInterface) {
            return new self($return);
        } else {
            return $return;

     * @param type $key
     * @param type $success
     * @param type $casToken
    public function getItem($key, &$success = null, &$casToken = null)
        return $this->cache->getItem($this->getKey($key), $success, $casToken);

     * @param type $token
     * @param type $key
     * @param type $value
     * @return type
    public function checkAndSetItem($token, $key, $value)
        return $this->cache->replaceItem($token, $this->getKey($key), $value);

     * @param type $key
     * @return type
    protected function getKey($key)
        return sha1(
                defined('APPLICATION_ENV')     ? APPLICATION_ENV : '',
                defined('APPLICATION_VERSION') ? APPLICATION_VERSION : ''

Simple as that.

Suggestions or problems ? Write a comment.

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posted in OOP, Zend Framework 2 by Ivan Gospodinow

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