jQuery delayed events.

February 1, 2013

onDelay is simple jquery plugin that trigger events with delay.

 * Trigger event delayed.
 * @author Ivan Gospodinow
 * @site http://www.ivangospodinow.com
 * @mail ivangospodinow@gmail.com
 * @date 01.02.2013
(function($) {
    $.fn.onDelay = function(type, delay, funct) {
        delay = undefined === delay ? 500 : parseInt(delay);
        var timeOut;
        $(this).unbind(type)[type](function(e,x,y,z) {
            var self = this;
            timeOut = setTimeout(function(){

How to use it ?

(function($) {
	$(window).onDelay('click', 2000, function(e) {
		console.log('Sorry , I am late.');

UPDATED – Now supports $(this) in chield function.

UPDATED 25.11.2018

 * Trigger event delayed.
 * @author Ivan Gospodinow
 * @site http://www.ivangospodinow.com
 * @mail ivangospodinow@gmail.com
 * @date 25.11.2018
(function($) {
    $.fn.onDelay = function(events, selector, funct, delay) {
        var timeout;
        var callback = function (e) {
            timeout = setTimeout(funct.bind(this, e), delay || 500);
        $(this).off(events, selector, callback)
               .on(events, selector, callback);

Suggestions or problems ?

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posted in jQuery, js, Plugins by Ivan Gospodinow

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