How to use Zopim chat outside your site.

June 11, 2013

Most of the time Zopim chat makes your site slower.Here is an example how you can make your site load faster using Zopim chat.

Step 1.

Create html page zopim.html and put this code inside:


Step 2.

Go to the page where you want to put Zopim chat and put this code:

That is!

It is not so fancy , but definitely doing the job!

Simple as that.

Suggestions or problems ? Write a comment.

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posted in how to ?, js by Ivan Gospodinow

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3 Comments to "How to use Zopim chat outside your site."

  1. Renato Junior wrote:

    Hi! On step 2 try this with latest version of Zopim:

    iframe#zopim {
    height: 30px;
    width: 250px;
    frameborder: 0;
    border: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
    z-index: 10000;
    scrolling: no;


    function ZopimCheck() {

    var $Zopim = $(“#zopim”);
    var $ZopimChatClose = $Zopim.contents().find(‘.zopim:eq(0)’);

    if ( $‘:hidden’) ) $Zopim.height(340);
    else $Zopim.height(30);


    $(‘body’).on(‘hover’,’#zopim’,function(){ ZopimCheck(); });



  2. gumus alyans wrote:

    couldnt get it working on my website…. with both solutions..

  3. Ivan Gospodinow wrote:

    What error do you get? Can you send an example?

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