A simple solution to count days between 2 dates is using DateTime method since php 5.3
function getDaysBetweenDates($from,$to,$addLastDay = false){ $d1 = new \DateTime($from); $d2 = new \DateTime($to); if($addLastDay){ $d2->add(new \DateInterval('P1D')); } return $d1 -> diff($d2)->days; } echo getDaysBetweenDates('2013-03-01','2013-03-11'); //10 echo getDaysBetweenDates('2013-03-01','2013-03-11',true); //11
If you need to count the last day too , just pass third parameter – true.
Hello Ivan,
When we find difference between these days ‘2013-03-01′,’2013-03-11’ without last day, i think the results may be 9 starts from 2nd day to 10th day(in this example)(I am not sure about that sir Please Help me)
Link | August 23rd, 2013 at 15:26
Hi Ivan,
How does the DateInterval() works?
Link | August 23rd, 2013 at 15:31
Hello Kumar,
if you are counting future dates you need the first day too. So the function is counting right. DateInterval is used as an representation of time. If you want to add 10 days to date time you use new \DateInterval(‘P10D’). See more on http://php.net/manual/en/class.dateinterval.php
Link | August 23rd, 2013 at 15:38
Hello Ivan,
Sorry for posting the questions here?
How could i integrate v.me visa payment in php?
Can you expalain with the steps and code? I am totally confused by that?
Can you post some example code sir?
Thank You
Link | September 3rd, 2013 at 14:09